What is Included in a Linwood Home Package?
November 23, 2020

Home Package Overview

The home package includes custom concept design, construction drawings and all the structural and exterior finishing materials required to reach the important “lock-up” stage of your project.

The package allows for faster and more efficient construction. It also eliminates a lot of costly time spent estimating, sourcing, purchasing and arranging the delivery of the right quantity of materials to the job site. This makes it easier for you, or your builder to build your dream home. 

The package offers a wider selection of better quality materials than those that can be sourced locally. All materials are custom manufactured for each project, factory organized and clearly labelled so your builder can easily find the items required for each stage of construction. Framing materials are pre-cut. Wall panels can be prefabricated so your framer can work even faster, with less costly waste.

Our package has guaranteed quantities, together with high-quality construction drawings, all at a fixed price. This gives you better price certainty for budgeting and makes it easier for builders to provide reliable quotes for building your home.

Technical Assistance and Support

You’re not alone when you build a custom home using a Linwood home package. In addition to design, construction drawings and high-quality materials, you get access to our team of technical experts.

Likewise, you’ll gain peace of mind from knowing you are dealing with an experienced, professional company that has been involved in the successful construction of many thousands of homes and has won many national awards. While we say it in jest, 50+ years in the construction industry means that we have seen (or made) all the mistakes there are to make. We just don’t make the same mistake twice and guide our customers away from the pitfalls that can happen to someone doing this for the first time. 

True Custom Design

Concept Design Drawings

Linwood includes 3D concept designs as part of the home package. We have created hundreds of home designs, and our team of in-house experts can even help you create any kind of custom concept design. Your concept design show the proposed floor plan and exterior look (elevations) of the home. Having design in house saves our customers from expensive architect fees, which are usually calculated as a % of the total build cost.

Having a well thought out concept design saves you a lot of money during the building process. Once your concept design is finalized these drawings are used to prepare construction and foundation plans.

Our Benchmark Product Specification

The Linwood Benchmark Specification helps to showcase the range of materials that can be included as part of each Linwood Home Package. It is called Benchmark because it represents the most popular combination of materials and components chosen by our customers.

We are also fully capable of modifying and customizing your home design. This puts you in the driver’s seat over what materials you want to use in your unique home package. 

Construction Plans

Construction plans are generated based on your concept design. Our construction plans contain all the details required for building permits. 

All plans are reviewed for conformance to National Building Codes. However, some jurisdictions insist on additional local engineering for approvals, typically dealing with unusual geotechnical, seismic and wind loading conditions. In these particular cases, we will work with a local engineer to add any necessary details to your construction plans so that you can get through permitting. We have strong working relationships with these engineers and will guide you to them when needed.

Foundation Plans

Linwood includes a detailed foundation plan for the home, including crawlspace, partial, full or walk-out basement. This means the main and upper floors of the home package can be built on any type of properly constructed foundation. We will help guide you into the right foundation type. This makes your home site-specific. Utilizing the right foundation can save you a lot on site development costs. 

  • Materials needed to complete a basement are available as an option. These materials consist of: exterior and interior framing lumber, support beams and posts, sheathing, siding, exterior doors and windows to match the main and upper floors of the home.
  • Foundation materials such as anchor bolts and hardware for shear walls and other items required by local engineering or building codes are not included.
  • Any additional costs resulting from local engineering requirements relating to foundation work and the structure of the home are the responsibility of the customer.

Pre-Cut or Prefabricated Framing Material

Hi-Line Framing Material

We use hi-line appearance grade structural framing lumber. This is kiln-dried for maximum stability. It is superior to standard export grade product and can only be sourced from selected sawmills.

This premium material gives you faster construction, straighter walls and a better interior finish result with less waste. In addition, we also use high-quality structural plywood floor sheathing and wall sheathing. Borate treating is available as an option where required for tropical locations.

Our hi-line lumber is often known as a signature of a Linwood build. It is part of history and we really believe in the advantage of it. As a direct line cost, better lumber costs more… but it makes for a better quality home and actually ends up saving you money.

In many lumber yards, it is hard to find one completely straight 16′ piece of dimensional lumber, let alone enough to build your home. To compensate, builders waste time cutting longer lengths into usable, shorter pieces. Each time, this doubles the time required to put up that board. Twice the cuts, twice the screws.

We believe time matters in construction, and it why we have stayed true to hi-line lumber.

Better lumber builds better homes.

Brand Name Windows and Doors

We only oer brand name windows and exterior doors with superior warranties. They are custom manufactured to our specifications by national suppliers.

Only large manufacturers can supply windows in the many shapes, sizes, colors and functional characteristics required in today’s custom home construction. We select them for high energy eciency, low maintenance, performance in the field and exceptional value based on price.

Superior Roofing System

We give you the best combination of structural options and the most design flexibility available in the market place. We specialize in roof systems that support cathedral ceilings and vaulted areas as well as conventional flat ceilings. This allows the use of large window arrangements to provide the maximum amount of natural light. Our standard minimum structural roof loading capacity is the strongest in the industry at 60lb per square foot. However, we can upgrade it for snow loading capability to over 500lb per square foot or as necessary to oer maximum protection from high winds and earthquakes.

There are also many options for trim, fascia, sot and interior liner available depending on the preferred look and style of the home. This tends to be both a functional and aesthetic decision. 

Siding Types

Linwood oers a wide variety of siding in various top quality materials. Engineered composite siding comes primed or pre-finished in a number of popular colors.

Western Red Cedar Channel, V-Joint Tongue; Grove, Bevel, Shingles and Board & Batten siding is also available. Pre-staining is frequently chosen to reduce labor costs and to allow the siding to be applied in any weather conditions.

Historically, we were known for cedar siding, however many customers prefer a lower maintenance siding type in today’s busy world. 

Meaningful Structural Warranties

Full Range of Product Alternatives

Linwood has specialized in true custom design for over 50 years so that customers can get virtually any desired look. This means we oer a very wide range of alternative products to our standard Benchmark specification. Full details of these various alternatives are available at our sales locations.

Comprehensive Warranties

Warranties are only as good as the strength of the companies that provide them. This is why Linwood only works with national brand name suppliers who have a proven track record of service. You get one of the strongest combinations of warranties available.

Quantity and Price Guarantee

Linwood is unique in the custom home building industry. We offer customers price protection for an extended six month period. This allows builders a realistic timeframe to commence construction.

In times of rapidly increasing material prices, this is a huge benefit in terms of saving money and peace of mind. We are able to oer this valuable protection because of our preferred status with key suppliers and our ability to purchase in large quantities.

In addition, we guarantee that there will be enough structural material to build the home to the important lock-up stage. At this time the home is complete on the exterior as well as secure and weatherproof ready for interior finishing.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our home packages, we would be happy to answer your questions. Contact us, send us a message on social media or leave a comment below.

Start Your Project With Linwood Homes

If you are interested in designing your dream home, we are just a phone call away. Connect with our team in a free consultation to discuss your project needs and goals. We are excited to work with you and look forward to hearing from you soon. Contact us or call 1-888-546-9663 to get started. You can also join our community on social media, follow Linwood Homes on Facebook and Instagram to see project updates, Q&A sessions and more.

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