Summer 2021 Shipping Delays Due to COVID
May 19, 2021

The global pandemic has caused many changes to everyday life, and this has affected several industries in unexpected ways. In our last post, we went over how the pandemic has caused a surge in the housing and construction industries, which led to an increased demand for lumber.

Shipping Delays

It has also greatly affected the shipping and transport industries, both of which Linwood relies greatly upon to fulfill our ability to ship any home anywhere. The trucking industry is at its highest volume in many years.  At Linwood, we have been informed by our preferred trucking firms that they are unable to easily accommodate changes in schedules this summer.  As we move into peak construction season they are struggling to get enough drivers to deliver loads, and, understandably, few are willing to be flexible.

Restrictions in Eastern Canada

As a result, at this point in time finding drivers for Ontario deliveries is particularly challenging.  This is likely to improve as COVID cases continue to fall, it will certainly be a challenge for the first part of the summer building season.

We continue to contact alternative trucking firms to ensure our customers are getting the best service possible, but there are definitely challenges in the market right now.

Linwood Shipping Updates

In the past, Linwood has been very flexible with shipping and delivery dates, as clients sometimes required last-minute schedule changes. However, as access to trucks has become limited we now ask that clients finalize shipping dates and submit their final payments a minimum of 2 weeks prior to their package delivery. While it is unfortunate, it is for everyone’s benefit to make sure we can secure transportation for your desired on-site delivery date.

In previous years we have finalized our delivery schedule 1 week prior to shipment, which allowed us to accommodate last-minute changes based on the builders’ on-site work.

This summer the flexible approach we have taken in the past is no longer feasible.  Once the shipping date and location are booked it cannot be changed without a fee. We have been informed that if for any reason a load needs to be rescheduled once booked, there is an additional fee of $1,000 and another 2 weeks minimum required to reschedule that load.

A Temporary Change

As a result of this, we will not be able to make any bookings for our clients until we receive final payment and have confirmed that the site will be ready to accept materials.

We do not expect this to be a permanent change – more and more people are becoming vaccinated and COVID cases are dropping. However, for those receiving their homes this summer, it is important to be aware and make efforts in order to make the shipping process as easy as possible.

Start Your Project With Linwood Homes

If you are interested in designing your dream home, we are just a phone call away. Connect with our team in a free consultation to discuss your project needs and goals. We are excited to work with you and look forward to hearing from you soon. Contact us or call 1-888-546-9663 to get started. You can also join our community on social media, follow Linwood Homes on Facebook and Instagram to see project updates, Q&A sessions and more.

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